Blog Post Outerwear Contest

I am in search of the next My Cloak Tree design that will win the approval of our growing community. So, it is time to search your heart and then your closet for that one outerwear garment that has traveled with you through time but is no longer being produced.

By participating in this contest, we will preserve a design, breathe new life into it, and pass it on. Each piece that you consider submitting comes with a story and there is a reason you have held on to it for so long. Consider a favorite hooded item, a vest, a sweater, a jacket, your own outerwear cloak to upload for the contest.

The way it will work, is that each month I will review and select the cloak of the month from the submissions. Then after 12 months and 12 designs to choose from The My Cloak Tree Community will vote for the next item to be produced.

And after a winner is selected, the original garment will be patterned and returned to the winner in tact. The pattern will then be replicated and produced with a My Cloak Tree label. And the winner will receive a brand new version free of charge. The winner holds the honor of contributing the next design to My Cloak Tree as we together, share an old design and make it new again.


Blog Post My Fabric